


参观 ACPHS启动页面 为我们的 2024 SEEN画廊, 研究生的故事, an 事件回顾视频 转播画面 

近240名本科生, graduate and PharmD students crossed the stage today at 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院’ 第144届毕业典礼 在纽约州萨拉托加斯普林斯的萨拉托加表演艺术中心.   

The PharmD students had an opportunity to receive both an undergraduate degree and a doctoral pharmacy degree. More than 40% of the PharmD students chose to receive two degrees and this year the graduates added either a Bachelor of Science in 医药科学 with a pharmacy skills’ track or a Bachelor of Science in 公共卫生.  

除了, approximately 10% of these graduates will remain at the College to pursue further study in one of ACPHS’ additional degree programs.  


2024届有161名女生和77名男生, 最小的学生22岁,最大的54岁, 包括: 

  • 220名学生都是20多岁 
  • 18名学生30多岁 
  • 一个学生四十多岁了  
  • 最年长的学生五十多岁了 


  • 114人获得本科学位 
  • 16个学士/硕士双学位 
  • 32个硕士学位 
  • 16个加速双学位学士/硕士学位 
  • 128药学博士学位 

毕业生来自21个州, 一个美国领土——波多黎各, 包括美国在内的12个国家, 巴西, 喀麦隆, 加拿大, 中国, 厄立特里亚, 圭亚那, 印度, 沙特阿拉伯, 新加坡, 韩国和南苏丹.   


A time-honored procession punctuated by bagpipes from Schenectady Pipe Band and an inspiring rendition of the National Anthem by ACPHS BS/MS 医药科学 graduate, Adrian Belrad, 24岁, 和ACPHS学生 Nana Akua Sefa Adonu ' 26和Lauren Trackey ' 27, 两位药学博士候选人都拉开了庆祝活动的序幕. 董事会主席沃尔特·博里诺克宣布典礼开幕.  

Borisenok elicited laughter at the beginning of the ceremony when he shared the story of being rejected twice by ACPHS as an applicant to the College, 然后在40年后被邀请加入董事会.

你们的路要到那里、你们不知道. 它不一定是计划好的,这没关系. 你会在旅途中遇到机会,好好利用它们. 会有挑战. 迎接这些挑战. 会有风险. 不要害怕风险. 旅程的某些部分将很难通过. 这很难. But we already know that you know how to work hard, and you will be able to get through.”

President Tofade welcomed the graduates 和ir families and friends before introducing the Commencement speaker, 马克Shaefer, PharmD, FCCP. Shaefer, 他是艾滋病毒和抗病毒药物领域的资深人士, 是ViiV Healthcare最早的成员之一. His intensive pharmaceutical experience is complemented by expertise in clinical pharmacy, 学术教学与研究.  

Dr. 谢弗讲述了他个人职业生涯中的轶事, 包括病人护理和创新药物开发. He shared two stories about a patient whose condition he helped greatly improve but who nonetheless lived only five years, 结论, “She provided me with lifelong memories and an illustration of how passion for your work, 挑战常规, and using a diverse team to accomplish things people might consider unlikely or impossible are all worthwhile.”

今年的 学生演讲嘉宾, 查尔斯·米德尔顿, received a doctorate in pharmacy and a Bachelor of Science in 医药科学 on the Pharmacy Skills Track. He held multiple leadership positions while at ACPHS including a three-year tenure as captain of the men's soccer team, 美国卫生系统药剂师协会(ASHSP)校园分会主席, 兼任ACPHS学生运动员咨询委员会副主席.

米德尔顿指出,该班级正在进入的新兴领域正在不断增长. “新的角色和创新途径不断涌现, 提供积极变化和变革影响的承诺, and I believe ACPHS has prepared us to step into these roles with purpose and determination,他说.

毕业后, Middleton will pursue a PGY-1 pharmacy residency at the Syracuse VA Medical Center in Syracuse, NY.  


ACPHS在毕业典礼上表彰了三位荣誉获得者:克里斯·德尔·维奇奥(Chris Del Vecchio), BSPharm, MBA; Leigh Briscoe-Dwyer '87, BSPharm and PharmD; and 真正的杜托1969年,注册博士.  


Del Vecchio是MVP Health Care的总裁兼首席执行官. 作为一名医疗保健主管, he is a catalyst for innovation and systemic change and works tirelessly to make patients' lives easier and better.

在加入MVP之前, he served in chief executive officer roles for health care organizations for nearly 30 years. 他是一位极富远见的战略家, Del Vecchio also had a successful career as an entrepreneur and consultant in health care and technology.

在他的指导下, MVP has gained recognition for leading impactful regional community coalitions and a commitment to collaborative problem-solving. From securing naming rights to the MVP Arena to constructing Fitness Courts throughout New York State, 他体现了MVP坚定不移地致力于以客户为中心的服务.

Del Vecchio holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from ACPHS and an MBA in health systems from Union College.

利一. Briscoe-Dwyer ' 87,药学博士,BSPharm, BCPS 

前ACPHS董事会受托人. Dwyer is the system director of pharmacy for the UHS Hospitals System in Johnson City, NY.  

她目前是美国卫生系统药剂师协会的候任主席, 美国最大的药学专业人员协会. 之后她将担任一年的总统和一年的前总统. 

Dr. Dwyer began her career as a clinical specialist in HIV and infectious disease at SUNY Stony Brook and has worked in various areas of pharmacy practice, 包括制药行业, 在过去的20年里大部分时间都在药房担任领导职务.   

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 and her 药学博士 degree from St. 约翰的大学.  



Most recently, Duteau served in senior leadership roles with Teva Pharmaceuticals and Novopharm Ltd. 在加拿大多伦多.  

他在纽约Rouses Point的Ayerst实验室开始了他的制药生涯. 正是在那里,杜托与ACPHS的校友. C. David Fox, 58岁,来支持Advil制造工艺的发展. He also worked part-time for many retail pharmacies in NY and VT and ultimately purchased a pharmacy in Port Henry New York, 他维持了很多年吗.  

他在制药行业的职业生涯中, he became acutely aware that the 研究 and manufacturing areas lacked the necessary pharmacists to perform the required work. This led to discussions with the deans and presidents of ACPHS to institute a pharmaceutical sciences curriculum to provide pharmacists for the pharmaceutical industry. This collaboration eventually became the foundation for both a BS and MS in 医药科学 at the College.  


ACPHS主席Toyin Tofade在结束仪式时说:“记住要服务. Serve your patients, your colleagues, your mentors, your advisors, your family, your friends. 当你用你的专业知识为他人服务时, 回报会以你无法计数的方式回馈给你.”    

Each ACPHS graduate has a unique story to share about their journey and why they chose ACPHS. 从学术卓越, 实习, 社区服务的住院医师和奖学金, 研究, 和领导能力, 了解更多他们的经历.   


成立于1881年, 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院(ACPHS)是一所私立大学, independent college dedicated to educating the next generation of leaders to improve the health of society. ACPHS提供14名本科生, graduate and doctorate programs including an online version of our Master of 生物医学科学 as well as the only Master of 生物制造 and 生物工艺 in the state. Students have myriad opportunities to extend what they are learning in the classroom at the Stack Family 生物制药教育培训中心(CBET), 在服务不足社区的学生资助药房, 和合作实验室, 一种公共卫生资源,旨在减轻社区卫生差距. ACPHS ranks #1 in New York State for best return on investment by Georgetown University’s Center on Education 和 Workforce and was graded an A+ for value by Niche. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 3yl.cheetahcn.com.